Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Virtue ethics vs. utilitarianism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Virtue ethics vs. utilitarianism - Term Paper Example It is an ethical dilemma, to identify which of the two is ethical; being unkind or lying. On the other hand it is also complex if it is ethical or unethical for an individual to steal from the rich with an aim of helping the poor. Ethics is both what an individual studies and thinks or the code that an individual follows and lives in that direction. In this paper I will argue that utilitarianism is the better form of ethics than virtue ethics.... Virtue ethics is a description of character as a moral agent, character is an ethical behavior driving force. It does not depend on rules or a consequence which defines what is right and wrong depending with the results of an act rather than character (Crisp, 68). While utilitarianism on the other hand, is an idea based on the moral worth of a specific action relaying on its usefulness as it maximizes on utility and minimizes on utility which is negative(Scarre, 2). Utility is defined as pleasure without pain, satisfaction that is preference or knowledge. Utilitarianism is therefore a form of consequentialism; moral worth of a specific action depends on the outcome. ... ch therefore it does not matter on the kind of acts human beings are involved in, or the intentions of individuals in an action, as long as the outcomes are positive. The consequential approach makes sense to us intuitively since while growing up, most children are usually taught on how they should be good. In this context the young are usually advice on how they should carry themselves and since human beings are mostly govern by there conscious they are in a position to make a decision based on the action that will not hate the other party (Lafollette, 27). In addition, utilitarianism relays on two main principles, one being equality; that is an individual considers everyone’s interests counts by having the same weight and relevancy. It does not discriminate race since everyone’s frustrations or pain has the same magnitude as anyone else. While the second principle relies on the action of an individual, the act has to result to a balance which is best between an indivi dual frustrations and satisfaction, as well as to all human beings affected by the results of the action. It is the best form of ethic since as a utilitarian; one has to think critically about a specific approach in a moral way. Here, an individual has to evaluate by first finding out the impacts of a specific approach. As a utilitarian one has to know who will be affected by choosing one of the two existing options. In addition, one has to determine the strength of the impact of the approach as well as where the best results will lie. It does not matter what option one has to take but it matters if the selected option is defines the moral duties (Lafollette, 27). On the other hand, Utilitarianism focuses on the idea of being kind and it is ethical for human beings to act this way. Being kind to

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Comprehensive service delivery plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comprehensive service delivery plan - Case Study Example The plan is expected to facilitate Sunny in obtaining assistance from authorized agencies, which could provide her with adequate parental education, medical care and adaptive equipment. Through this plan, attempts have been taken to assess Sunny’s potential strengths and her needs towards Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative Communication (AAC) abilities to help her succeed in her education. In addition, adequate information has been provided about the responsibilities of parents, guardian, friends, classmates and educational specialists towards Sunny in the plan discussed henceforth. This comprehensive service delivery plan outlines access to appropriate agencies that could provide parent/guardian support, owing to the fact that the role of family in medical care of a child is crucial. The professionals of ‘American Academy of Pediatrics’ also focus towards the recognition of a family, as family members are child’s primary source of health and support. In addition, informing parents or guardians of Sunny regarding her care needs and thereby, obtaining their support as a principal collaborator in care coordination is linked with the achievement of improved health results. In the US, special firms, such as Catholic Guardian Services, have been observed to provide parenting education and support services for the welfare of disabled children. One such organization is Federal Office of Special Education, which governs the norms of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA provides principle grants to various states, targeting the hi gher educational institutes and other non-profit organizations to deliver technical assistance, personnel development and parental training in the interests of disabled children. In this regard, Partners in Policymaking has been a pioneering and capability based headship curriculum for adults and parents of young disabled children (Arizona